预答辩组人员 |
姓名 |
职称 |
工作单位 |
组长 |
易建红 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
余晓燕 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
伍晓玲 |
博士 |
9001诚信金沙 |
秘书 |
陈璠 |
9001诚信金沙 |
序号 |
论文题目 |
作者 |
指导教师 |
1 |
Ethical Identity Reconstruction in Steer Toward Rock |
缪邵宓 |
章汝雯 |
2 |
A Post-colonial Approach to Cultural IdentityReconstruction and National Identity Establishment inTypical American |
王彬芸 |
章汝雯 |
3 |
From Confrontation to Reconciliation:The Evolution of Gender Relationship inTheir Eyes Were Watching God |
郑东霞 |
章汝雯 |
预答辩组人员 |
姓名 |
职称 |
工作单位 |
组长 |
姜淑珍 |
教 授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
郝林晓 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
徐莎莎 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
陈珺 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
熊建国 |
博士 |
9001诚信金沙 |
秘书 |
孙杉杉 |
9001诚信金沙 |
序号 |
论文题目 |
作者 |
指导教师 |
1 |
A Comparative Genre Analysis of English Corporate Mission Statements: A Case Study of Chinese and American Information and Communication Technology Service Enterprises |
陈林林 |
王 瑞 |
2 |
Flat orNot: On the Structural Property of Chinese Concatenate Sentences |
陈 晓 |
曹道根 |
3 |
Discourse Construction of Reports about Two Sessions in China Daily and The New York Times: from Perspective of Discourse-Historical Approach |
董 颖 |
管 玮 |
4 |
A Study on Washback Mechanism of a High-stakes Test: Test Preparation for the National Matriculation English Test |
马 超 |
徐莎莎 |
5 |
A Pedagogical Experiment on Oral English in Junior Middle School based onChina’s Standards of English Language Ability(CSE) |
裘舒杰 |
余清萍 |
6 |
A Study of War Metaphor in the Reports of Covid-19 from the Perspective of Deliberate Metaphor Theory |
汤成龙 |
杨小龙 |
7 |
A Contrastive Analysis of Brexit Economic News Discourses under the Framework of Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Model of Discourse: Taking China Daily,The New York Times,and The Times as Examples |
夏菁霞 |
王 瑞 |
预答辩组人员 |
姓名 |
职称 |
工作单位 |
组长 |
岑群霞 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
陈向红 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
周望月 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
缪佳 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
刘淑红 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
秘书 |
陈丽锐 |
9001诚信金沙 |
序号 |
论文题目 |
作者 |
指导教师 |
1 |
A Study of Translation and Communication of Gulliver’s Travelsin China |
林佳琛 |
黎昌抱 |
2 |
Translation and Communication of the Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction Folding Beijing |
欧阳慧青 |
黎昌抱 |
3 |
A Study on the English Version of Bronze and Sunflower from Chesterman’s Norms Theory |
孙 山 |
周望月 |
4 |
AStudy on the English Translation of Li Hun from the Perspective of Toury’s Norms Theory |
吴 杰 |
陈向红 |
5 |
A StudyofEnglish Translation of Mai Jia’s Jiemifrom the Perspective of Attitude System in Appraisal Theory |
周赢君 |
缪 佳 |
预答辩组人员 |
姓名 |
职称 |
工作单位 |
组长 |
岑群霞 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
陈向红 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
周望月 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
缪佳 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
刘淑红 |
副教授 |
9001诚信金沙 |
秘书 |
陈丽锐 |
9001诚信金沙 |
序号 |
论文题目 |
作者 |
指导教师 |
1 |
A Report on the Translation of Regional Context and Global Tradefrom the Perspective of Translation Shifts |
金佳希 |
刘淑红 |
2 |
A Report on the Translation of Cities in Global Capitalism |
潘美婷 |
陈向红 |
3 |
A Report on the Translation of“Measuring and Understanding Behavior, Welfare, and Poverty” |
王 佳 |
黎昌抱 |
4 |
A Report on theTranslation of Auction Market Design: Recent Innovations |
杨 艺 |
余慕鸿 |
5 |
A Report on the Translation ofConstructing Premium Network Spaces: Reflections on Infrastructure Networks and Contemporary Urban Development |
邹易玲 |
缪 佳 |